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Toggle menu

The Admin SDK allows you to manipulate the Admin menu of your application. One of the features it provides is the ability to toggle the Admin menu. This is done using the collapseMenu and expandMenu methods.

Usage:; // To collapse the Admin menu;; // To expand the Admin menu;

Add menu item

Add a new menu item to the Shopware admin menu. The content of the menu item module is determined by your locationId. A specific view or a set of actions can be triggered based on the locationId.

label: 'Test item',
locationId: 'your-location-id',
displaySearchBar: true,
displaySmartBar: true,
parent: 'sw-catalogue',


labeltrueThe label of the tab bar item
locationIdtrueThe id for the content of the menu item module
displaySearchBarfalsetrueToggles the sw-page search bar on/off
displaySmartBarfalsetrueToggles the sw-page smart bar on/off
parentfalse'sw-extension'Determines under which main menu entry your item is displayed
positionfalse110Determines the position of your menu item


Menu item example

import { location, ui } from '@shopware-ag/meteor-admin-sdk';

// General commands
if ( {
// Add the menu item to the catalogue module{
label: 'Test item',
displaySearchBar: true,
displaySmartBar: true,
locationId: 'your-location-id',
parent: 'sw-catalogue',

// Render your custom view
if ('your-location-id')) {
document.body.innerHTML = '<h1 style="text-align: center">Hello from your menu item</h1>';